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Being Belle

Belle at Target
Being Belle, Days with Belle

It’s not always autism

At this point it’s no secret: Belle has autism.

Things like communicating, expressing how she feels (except anger; she’s good at anger), and breaking her focus can be troublesome for her. She always has to have something in her hand, and a lot of times is trying to put something in her mouth that she shouldn’t. We don’t experience a lot of meltdowns, but she’s had them, and they f***ing suck. The worst one led to her putting her head through a window, shattering the glass, and cutting her forehead (story to come). We’ve since replaced all of them with windows that have tempered glass.

This isn’t everything that makes up her autistic characteristics, but it’s a generalization. The truth, though, is that everything she does isn’t always because of autism.

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Being Belle

It’s the little things

The likelihood that Belle has something in at least one of her hands at any given time is very high. The likelihood that she has multiple things in both of her hands is even higher. Small pieces of nature that she finds outside on our walks, or in the yard have been her favorite little things lately. Leaf stems, walnuts, pinecones, and cherry tomatoes that she steals from gardens (Shhh!). Our neighbor behind us has a parking spot that’s filled with those colorful fish tank pebbles. Ugh! Those d*** fish tank pebbles! Belle especially loves a handful of them things (we’re about ready to pay to have it paved for him).

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Belle running to her swing set
Being Belle, Discussion

Sleep fighting

Our doctor informed us, and I have read that children with autism often have sleep difficulties. They have trouble with falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the night, etc. So it goes for Belle. She sure does love to fight sleep! When she has a routine with school, and a scheduled nap time she usually does very well. For the most part she gets a good night of sleep, it’s just getting her to close her eyes for the first time.

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Belle watching birds
Being Belle

Backward hugs and head fives

One thing that I’m incredibly grateful for is that even though Belle is on the Autism Spectrum, she loves to cuddle, and give hugs. Many people on the spectrum have difficulties with physical attention–hell, many people in general have difficulties with physical attention. It’s hard for them to feel pressure of any kind, and can make them extremely uncomfortable.

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