
Things I Don’t Know

These past few months I have clearly been avoiding this blog for reasons I have yet to discover. All I can come up with is the fact that life sometimes seems too busy to do what you want to do, and then when you finally have time you are too tired to actually do it. It’s been a while, but here goes nothing.

Everyone always says “write what you know.” Well, these past few months seem to be more focused on what I don’t know, so let me tell you a little about that.

Things I don’t know:

  1. Insurance anything. But seriously, how does one navigate the insurance world? What a nightmare and oh, so boring!
  2. ABA Therapy. This one I thought I knew about, but nope. Turns out I have a little more research to do.
  3. Kindergarten. I think I have finally finished all of the forms, but may have missed the one where I have to sign away my soul.
  4. Sleep, or lack there of. Why is it that my four year old wakes up at 3am and can still function the next day, without a nap, and then be up until midnight the next day. Dear god child. SLEEP!
  5. What is more important, school or ABA therapy? School tells you that school and social interaction are more important. Doctors/therapists tell you that ABA therapy is the best for children with autism. I get it. Both are important. Now can we play nice together and get a plan going that is the best of both worlds?

This list could probably go on forever, but I am going to stop before I embarrass myself. Turns out to be an autism parent you have to accept the fact that you are going to be wrong on occasion. And if you are anything like me you are going to be wrong a lot. I’m hoping that at some point I can become an expert and help guide people through this craziness, because lord knows I need a little guidance right now. #epicfail


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  • What we've been doing the past two years | Running with Belle June 4th, 2020 at 2:09 pm

    […] years! Somehow the time got away from us! It’s hard to look at our site and realize that our last post was that long ago. We didn’t set out to abandon this. We’ve had so much going on in the […]

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